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pop/indie since 1998 from Nuenchritz/Riesa (formerly)



We all woke up in a town called Riesa or near that. That's how we were able to meet easily. And everyone played in one or more local bands before. Even more easier. One of the early 90s punk bands formed after the reunion that split around 94/95 was called Kirchendiebe and Denis was hiding there behind the mic and guitar. Soon after a friend asked him to start the Mampf fanzine. Sporadic attempts to form a new band came to nothing and he was doomed to do the fanzine only for four years.

Mid 90s were the times of crossover, grunge, techno. Dorit and Martin were forming members of a band called Out which was kind of contributing to the crossover section. Matthias joined later.

Meanwhile René performed live electronics in Shock Hazard.

Late 90s the Out-section contributed to the Mampf fanzine in various ways. Out and Shock Hazard were dead. And also the fanzine was fated to die soon. Something new had to come. One day in the Mampf office Denis and Martin talked about forming a band together. Afterwards both decided independently to ask some friends to join. Big surprise when we met in the practice room and there were suddenly five people around.

the beginning.

We wanted to know if it's worth the thing and asked an expect musician to judge the 2 songs we made during our first meeting. A kick-off okay finally.

A first tape appeared end of 1999. Never sold. Just selected 3 songs to be usable for promotion. We gigged mainly local clubs and actually didn't spend much (if any) activity in promoting ourselves.

to be continued...


  • Matthias Welker - Vocals
  • Denis Nareike - Guitar
  • René "Tekker" Jugold - Keyboard & Guitar
  • Dorit Horn - Bass & Vocals
  • Martin Grellmann - Drums


  • Martin Grellmann
  • Fritz-Hoffmann-Straße 8b
  • 01097 Dresden
  • Tel. (1): +49 351/5638629 (Martin)
  • Tel. (2): +49 351/4220500 (Denis)
  • E-Mail (1): (Martin)
  • E-Mail (2): (Denis)
  • Web: http://www.eastcore.de/faf
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